I am spider man...woah woah woah !!! wait...I wish I had been. Well it's a gift and it's a curse too. Well I am Babins Shrestha normal guy not a mutant with a change in DNA. Well I don't know biology much and hated it when I was in high school (high school bole to I.Sc. in Kathmandu University). I hated those drawings of insects and non-vertebrates. I always wanted to become an Engineer ever since I heard "Engineer is one of the aims of many school kidz". I don't know from where I heard it but since then I was on. I still remember when I was in 9th standard my health teacher (Mishra Sir) once asked to raise up our hands those who wanted to become a Doctor and I didn't. So he came to me and yelled at me, "Babins, What would you want to be, a cloth shopkeeper like your father?". I was filled with tears and replied in a low voice, "Engineer". He just tapped my shoulders.
Well guys, I am Babins Shrestha studying Computer Engineering at Pulchowk Engineering College, Tribhuvan University, one of the best colleges of Asia and certainly the best of Nepal. I was kinda normal student in every institution I have ever studied. I never become one of the outstanding students. My one of the favourate teachers Jha Sir showed me that I was good at Mathematics. Actually he gave such an easy question in our terminal examination that I got 100 out of 100 in Maths. I hated other teachers. Don't make me mention their names. But I will give you a hint; they are all English teachers[except Thapa Sir]. And that's why my english is so bad and right now I am running out of words to express my feelings and my past.
My family plays a major role in what I am now. I would have never been here learning Computer Engineering if I wasn't supported by my dad. My dad is my hero. With such a financial status, only god knows what he has done for us. He just wanted us to:"study good and about the funds don't even let them come into your mind". Oh god! I think I am being emotional.
Ok change the topic, lets move to happy stories. I have two younger brothers. Let me remind you again I am the eldest of them :D. My first brother, I mean elder of them, Sushban Shrestha, has made us proud. He is sensible, understanding, generous, lovable, social ..my oh my.. I am again running out of words to describe him. He is wonderful. He is the one appraised by everybody. By everybody I mean everybody. He is popular too. He is quite famous among friends, teachers, and ofcourse girlzzz (like Rumpum Rich & Famous). He is genius. He bunks whole class, does jobs at 3 places so that he could get the budget to fuel up his bike and still with everybodys eyes wide open he tops the class. I think you have figured out what he is and what he's got. That's our boy.
Well another boy the youngest of all, Mr. Sanim Shrestha. He is cute, sweet little boy. That's what I used to think all the time man... but now he's grown up and plays guitar all the time. When I last went back to home, I found he has turned himself into "a punk". I was shocked, I mean I saw a dirty, uncombed boy. I directly ordered him to take a bath which he did and then get a hair cut which he didn't do. So, I guess this guy is going to become a rock star somedays. Well good luck for him.
My mom, she is innocent, talkative, confused and beautiful woman. She is a simple woman. She is a traditional nepali mid-aged woman who didn't take her education seriously and hence has a lot of problem during mathematics and calculation. She had made blunder mistakes in shop's sales and my dad wonder how much she cost due to that. Well my dad is cool. He doesn't care much of her mistake and just says let it go.
About my schooling, I did it at Siddhartha Sishu Sadan, Hetauda, Nepal and then at Kathmandu University(I.Sc.). Now I am at Pulchowk but I will soon be graduating with B.E. certificate. Well these are boring stuffs.
Personal Biodata:
I am male, 23 yrs of age. I am student doing intern at D2Hawkeye @ Nepal right now.
My love life:
Well it hasn't started yet. It was about to but......... hellooooo it's a personal matter. I don't want to disclose this so I am not telling names. I used to like a girl when I was in primary school. I liked another girl when I was in K.U. and later I fell in love with four more. This is what my simple love life is like.
Finally, I think you have figured out that I am not spidey or superman. I was not sent from outer galaxy and I have ordinary DNA with 23 pair chromosomes with no extra-ordinary changes. Well these facts are not from the medical reports. All the above facts are not superficial and will be highly co-incidental if it matches with somebody else real life. Finally the stuffs in this blog are not meant to offend someone and I sincerely regret if someone finds this blog offensive.
Thank you for you kind consideration.